That's a sentence we never thought we would ever. I kid, I KID! Please don’t feed me to the rancor. Quantic Dream, the developer ofDetroit: Become Human andBeyond: Two Souls, is working on a Star Wars game set in the franchise's High Republic era. Taking inspiration from The Last of Us? Brah, SIGN ME UP! I can’t wait to push my buddy over walls or move futuristic dumpsters/ladders to get to the next area of the game. The Star Wars Eclipse trailer to come out of the Game Awards 2021 features no in-game footage, but is pretty cinematic in its delivery - featuring familiar elements of the Star Wars universe such. – Quantic Dream Montreal is working on multiplayer, gameplay and level design aspects /4sQjzTFzoI- AccountNGT January 29, 2022 Recap of everything I know on Quantic Dream's next projects They’re back today providing all kinds of rumored information about SWE:

Twitter user ‘accngt’ leaked Star Wars Eclipse a week before the official reveal as they seem to have some kind of insider source providing them information related to the game. Rumors already emerged that the teams at QD are having issues with their engine being able to handle such a massive game. Best RPG goes to Tales Of Arise Best Score & Music goes to NieR Replicant. Also no idea on release date, but not expecting it. Quantic Dream are making this (Heavy Rain, Detroit, Nomad Soul if you want to go old school) so it will look pretty at least. So a couple hundred years prior to the prequels. Star Wars Eclipse was revealed last year but is still many years from release. Star Wars Eclipse revealed, developed by Quantic Dream TheGameAwards. Cinematic Trailer So far all we know is High Republic setting. While Quantic Dream’s reputation is tarnished these days due to toxic workplace allegations, that certainly didn’t stop Lucasfilm Games from giving them a major game set in the High Republic era of the Star Wars universe.